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Services & Events Schedule

You are so welcome to join us!

Sunday Morning Services

Sundays 09:00 - 10:30

You and your family are invited to come and worship with us on Sunday Mornings. Our bilingual service starts at 09:00. Come join us in authentic, down to earth fellowship, together with your brothers and sisters in Christ. You are also so welcome to share in some refreshments afterwards in our hall.

Children's Church

Sundays during school terms  09:00- 10:30

During our services our children get the opportunity to have their own special Children’s church together in the hall. They are divided into age-sets and are supervised by leaders who engage in talking about age appropriate topics.  

Bible Study

Tuesdays 17:00 - 18:30

You are so welcome to join us on Tuesday evenings for our weekly Bible Study. Together we explore the word of the Lord and His message of grace and of peace. We explore different text and contexts in thematic discussions which can extend over many weeks. 


Adoramus Meditation

Wednesdays 17:00 - 18:00

In our modern world it is beneficial for us to slow down and contemplate our own divine natures. For this hour you will be lead in Christian meditation with musical accompaniment and the warm comfort of the menorah.

Traditional Church Dates

Sun -  Sun

Here at Brixton Church we follow the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) according to the church liturgical year. Starting with Advent in December, Christmas, then onto celebrating Epiphany in January, onward to Lent and Easter. Following then with Pentecost and the longest devotional stretch of Ordinary time (Kingdom time) – Please revert to our events page for exact times and dates.

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